Employees who suffer from TBI in Virginia may require special accommodations. If injured while holding a position in a company, brain injuries may make the work more difficult or impossible to perform. For any employee with physical limitations, the employer needs to make reasonable accommodations.
According to Everyday Health, reasonable accommodations may include:
- Position reassignment
- Written instructions
- Provided electronic organizers
- Frequent breaks
- Reduced distractions
It is important for an employee who has a TBI diagnosis to be outspoken about his or her injury. For an employer, listening is the key to making appropriate accommodations. Every person has his or her own needs and has to serve as his or her own advocate. For instance, some workers may benefit from dividing complex tasks into shorter tasks.
Other workers may require new work schedules as a form of accommodation. In some instances, this is as easy as offering frequent or extended breaks. Employees may need more time off work due to the complications of the injury. There are physical and mental limitations that come with TBI.
A traumatic brain injury may force an employee to take a couple of years from work, whereas others may be able to return almost right away. Unfortunately, in severe cases, many cannot return to their previous job. Others could return if their employers are willing to provide the appropriate accommodations to help them return to a productive work status. The trajectories for those returning to work will vary from employee to employee.
All of the information provided about TBI accommodation is for educational use only. None of the above information is legal advice.