One of the most devastating outcomes of a car, truck or motorcycle accident in Virginia is for one of the victims to sustain a head injury. In a traffic collision, head injuries are not uncommon — and can be quite serious — for several reasons.
As a skilled catastrophic brain injury attorney could explain, many drivers hit their head on the steering wheel in a car crash. If you are not wearing a seat belt, your body could be thrown around your vehicle, putting you at risk for head trauma. Even if you are properly buckled in your seat belt, the sudden impact of a crash can cause a traumatic brain injury.
At The Law Firm of Carlton F. Bennett, P.L.L.C., our Virginia Beach traumatic brain injury lawyer works hard to help get our clients the compensation they deserve after a serious accident. We know how to hold negligent defendants and large insurance companies accountable for paying claims. With decades of combined experience representing injured people throughout the Tidewater region, we are ready to help start your case. Our lead attorney, Carlton F. Bennett is a member of the Brain Injury Association of America and the Brain Injury Association of Virginia. Call us now to schedule a free, strictly confidential review of your case.
Concussions and TBIs are among the most debilitating and challenging types of injuries to deal with. All brain injuries require immediate medical attention. As TBIs often occur with a delayed onset, it is not uncommon for people to be more severely injured than they initially recognize. No matter the cause or severity of brain injury, we are qualified to help. Our Virginia Beach head injury lawyer handles the full range of traumatic brain injury cases, including:
Traumatic Brain Injury
$10,200,000 – Jury Verdict
Zoll v. Werner Enterprises, Inc., Norfolk Circuit Court, Auto Accident (2008)
Woman suffered a traumatic brain injury when struck by a tractor-trailer on I-295. Her difficulties included headaches, speech impairment including stuttering, dizziness, memory loss, difficulty with concentration, inability to communicate thoughts, balance problems, fatigue, anxiety, and depression. The case was tried before a jury who returned a verdict for the plaintiff in the amount of $10.2 million.
People may experience brain injuries differently after an accident, but you might sustain from conditions such as:
Unfortunately, these kinds of problems can take considerable time, and expense, to get better. You deserve to get compensated from those who were responsible for your injuries. Our Virginia Beach traumatic brain injury attorney will stand by you throughout the process, so that you will always know how your case is progressing. We are focused on helping clients maximize their financial recovery. You can view some of our past case results.
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, a person’s life expectancy can decrease by nine years after a traumatic brain injury. Within 5 years of the incident, 30% of people recorded in a national database experienced worse health. Additionally, about 55% of people were out of work because of their injury and 33% relied on their family for daily care.
People may experience several long-term symptoms after a brain injury. According to, a brain injury can cause people to lose their fine motor skills over time. They may also have difficulty walking and their movements may become uncontrolled. People may also be unable to get and keep a job because they do not have the necessary coordination. In some situations, people may develop sleep disorders because of their injury or experience chronic pain.
People may experience problems with their vision in the years after a brain injury. It may be more difficult for them to judge distance. They may also experience blurred vision or vision loss. In some situations, people may become intolerant of light.
A traumatic brain impact can also have long-term consequences for a person’s cognitive ability, and a knowledgeable lawyer could advocate for a person in this position. People may have more trouble expressing themselves verbally and understanding what other people say. Additionally, people may lose their abilities to focus and memorize new information.
Because of these long-term symptoms, people may require more care in the years after their injury.
Our traumatic brain injury law firm has the skills and experience to handle all types of concussion and TBI cases. If you or your loved one suffered a brain injury in an accident, a Virginia Beach traumatic brain injury lawyer can help. Please contact us for a risk-free consultation at no charge. Call us today to get started, or complete and submit our online contact form. With a law office in Virginia Beach, we serve communities throughout the Hampton Roads region.
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Our new office is located at:
291 Independence Boulevard, Suite 110, Virginia Beach, Virginia 23462
If you have any questions or need help finding us, please call us at (757) 266-5149