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4 critical steps to take after a car accident

When getting behind the wheel, few drivers believe that their next trip with end in a crash. Unfortunately, serious collisions occur on Virginia’s highways on a regular basis.

There is often a lot of confusion surrounding what steps should be taken after a car accident. Whether you were recently involved in a crash or you simply want to bookmark this page for future reference, everyone should take the following four actions after a car accident.

1. Get the contact information from all involved parties

Before going your separate ways, get the contact information from the other driver and any other parties who suffered an injury during the crash. Try to get everyone’s name, phone number, license number and insurance information.

2. Take photos

Few people travel without their smartphone. After an accident, use it to take photos to help document the extent of the damage done to your car or any of your property. These photos can be invaluable when filing a claim with your insurance company.

3. See a doctor

Even if you think your injuries are minor and will heal on their own, having a doctor check you out is the best ways to document your injuries. In addition to getting proper medical care, visiting a doctor will strengthen your claim when pursuing compensation from an insurer.

4. Speak with an attorney before settling

It can be tempting to immediately accept a settlement offer made by the insurance company. However, insurance companies typically seek to pay out the smallest amount of compensation to car accident victims.

Contacting an attorney with a thorough understanding of car accident injury claims can you identify whether an insurance company is providing full compensation you for your injuries.