When a loved one needs high-quality, 24-hour care, a nursing home may be the best option for Virginia residents who cannot care for them at home. You expect that the facility treats your family member with respect and the care they need. However, if you suspect neglect or abuse, you can take action. We often represent clients who make a nursing home negligence claim due to the serious injury or death of a loved one.
According to the National Center on Elder Abuse, the professionals a family trusts to care for and protect them are often those that mistreat their charges.
Types of abuse
Each type of abuse is very different, as are the indicators associated with them.
The signs of physical abuse can range from unexpected scratches and bruises to broken bones and brain injuries. If your loved one has some type of bodily impairment, it could be a sign of domestic violence or sexual abuse.
Detecting emotional abuse is often challenging. Your loved one may suddenly be afraid of a caregiver, act differently or remove themselves from friends and family.
Neglect can range from caregivers failing to wash their patients to poorly managed medications and malnutrition. As a result, your loved one may begin neglecting themselves as well.
Missing checks, lack of funds and not making payments as needed are signs of financial exploitation. Family members are often the perpetrators in these situations.
Reporting abuse
If you suspect nursing home malpractice, there are steps you can take. Documenting changes in behavior, photographing injuries and getting witness statements can help confirm your suspicions. If Adult Protective Services finds proof of elder abuse, you may have grounds for a claim against the long-term care facility.