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nursing home abuse and neglect


If you and your family have spent considerable time weighing your options for quality care for a senior family member, chances are you compared several options for senior care facilities in Virginia before choosing one. Now that you are getting closer to transitioning your loved one into a nursing home, it is imperative that you are aware of the signs of abuse or neglect so you can continue to provide optimal protection and support.

While there is plenty of focus on what constitutes abuse in a nursing home and how neglectful treatment of your loved one can ultimately affect his or her quality of life, have you researched what can be done to help prevent that type of mistreatment? While you can develop a habit of visiting your family member regularly and watching for warning signs such as suspicious illnesses or injuries, changes to his or her demeanor and the facility’s commitment to sanitation and cleanliness, encouraging your loved one to maintain quality social relationships is another excellent way to prevent abuse and neglect.

According to the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services National Institute on Aging, if your elderly family member is isolated from meaningful social connections, he or she is at a much higher risk of illnesses including anxiety, depression and loneliness which can rapidly decrease their mortality rate. If your loved one has the opportunity to interact with and strengthen positive social relationships even while living in a care facility, he or she may be encouraged to remain active and prioritize healthful habits.

With positive social interaction a constant in a daily routine, your family member can have more than just a couple of people to verify that he or she is being treated fairly and is excelling in his or her new living environment. For more information about protecting your loved one in a nursing home, visit our web page.