It is often a difficult decision to place a loved one in a nursing home. It requires a great deal of trust that your relative will receive the care they deserve. The reality is that nursing home abuse is common.
Luckily, victims have clear rights under the law. If you or a loved one were abused while residing in a nursing home facility, please contact the Law Firm of Carlton Bennett. Our compassionate nursing home abuse attorneys are here to provide empathetic support while fighting tenaciously for justice. If you think you have seen warning signs of nursing home abuse in Virginia Beach, do not delay—reach out to us for help as soon as you can.
Nursing homes have a duty of care to take care of their patients. Some bodily markers of mistreatment can include:
This list is not exhaustive. Upon noticing these indicators of mistreatment in a retirement facility, you must speak with a Virginia Beach attorney for help.
There are several frequently seen categories of mistreatment of elders that you can keep an eye out for.
The infliction of pain intentionally or negligently can include beating, hitting, pushing, or restraining the victim.
Psychological abuse is when one individual subjects someone else to traumatic verbal or nonverbal conduct. Some examples would be yelling at a nursing home resident when they are struggling, threatening them with physical harm, withholding necessities like food or medication, making fun of them, or telling them that no one cares about them.
Signs of exploitation include stealing a nursing home resident’s finances or property, overcharging them, or forcing them to sign checks or documents.
Non-consensual forms of sexual contact and inappropriate advances or communications are examples.
All of these are horrible experiences for a person to endure. Our Virginia Beach lawyers are well acquainted with actions that indicate elder abuse and neglect and can use their knowledge to help you.
Victims can file a civil lawsuit for financial compensation if they have been abused in a home. Damages refer to the money a person requests be awarded to them in order to compensate for what happened to them. There are three types of damages typically available.
First, economic damages are quantifiable with corresponding monetary amounts. Some examples are medical bills or damage to personal property.
Second, compensation can be non-economic. These are subjective concepts like mental anguish, pain and suffering, and reduced quality of life.
Finally, sometimes the judge will choose to impose punitive damages. They are uncommon and designed to deter future similar actions and punish the defendant.
Virginia has measures to protect older people. Individuals can report a facility to the Virginia Department of Social Services, which oversees licensing and compliance. Additionally, Adult Protective Services (APS) investigates reports of exploitation, abuse, or neglect involving vulnerable adults. People can report suspected abuse to APS for immediate intervention. To explore your legal options when you suspect maltreatment at an assisted living facility, it is essential to confer with a Virginia Beach attorney.
It is hard for most people to understand why someone would abuse a vulnerable older person. Sometimes, it is hard to face the warning signs of nursing home abuse in Virginia Beach, but it is better to confront the issue and look into your legal options. It can be overwhelming when the victim is yourself or a family member. Our legal team is here for you and ready to help you pursue justice. Reach out as soon as you can to get help.