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Five Things to Watch Out for When Choosing a Nursing Home

It's never easy to decide that your loved one must move into a nursing home, and choosing the right one is difficult. But whether you are evaluating a residential facility or visiting your loved one after admission, it's important to…

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What must be proven in a medical malpractice claim?

Physicians and other healthcare providers have a responsibility to uphold a certain standard of care when treating patients, and the vast majority do. But unfortunately, some medical providers and facilities breach their duty of care through negligence, causing patients to…

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How Staffing Shortages in Nursing Homes Can Lead to Neglect

Any nursing home requires qualified and experienced staff in order to provide treatment and care to its residents. When there's a shortage of nurses and other essential employees, the quality of care suffers. Unfortunately, industry-wide staffing shortages are depriving residents…

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Medical Malpractice

What’s the Statute of Limitations of Medical Malpractice Claims in Virginia?

Under the law, a person injured due to someone else's negligent behavior has a specified amount of time to file an insurance claim or lawsuit to recover compensation for damages. In nearly every case, this is a hard deadline. In…

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